In the sanitary context that we are all familiar with, Gergonne Industrie leveraging its expertise and know-how by offering a new floor marking adhesive.
This simple and effective marking will make it possible to enforce the distancing rules mandated by the authorities in the fight against coronavirus, with the aim of post lockdown.
This safety distance sticker includes the main technical characteristics of our GERGOSIGN products and will be useful for all shops, administrations and companies.
Our Covid-19 sticker is available in a box of 6 pieces and in 3 different colours:
- blue (ref 01 960COV1 53)
- yellow (ref 01 960COV1 23)
- red (ref 01 960COV1 45)
The adhesive tape is extremely simple and quick to apply. It can be used indoors or within covered outdoor areas and its removal is guaranteed to be free of any residues!
It can be applied to all types of flooring (tiles, smooth concrete, laminated floors, flexible non-plasticised floors).
Some technical data:
- High performance double-sided adhesive tape
- PVC 250 μm ultra-resistant, mass-coloured
- Gergosign professional quality (successfully used for 10 years for floor marking in factories)
- Dimension: diameter 470mm
- 3 colours available: blue, red and yellow
- Fast delivery
You want to prepare for deconfinement? Our products are on sale at our distributors!
Contact-us for more information.